Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Advent Activities

Ok- so I haven't blogged in what seems like eternity. It has been busy around here and honestly I have just not been feeling well. So I've got lots to catch you all up on.

First, as I mentioned in an earlier post, we have our Advent Calendar activites. The first day Gavin wrote a letter to Santa (I know: a very secular activity!) He told momma what to write (tiny tractor and camera- and that he had been good at school and church) and then he got to decorate it with stickers. We are lucky you can even read the letter- He gets sticker HAPPY!!

Day 2 was getting to paint mommy's toenails! SO MUCH FUN!! Actually, it was more like painting mommy's toes! He loved it and then wanted to do his when he was done! Great pics from this one!

Day 3 was singing Chritmas songs- which he does all the time anyway.
Day 4 Was helping mommy make dinner. He did so good! He loves mixing and stirring. The only problem is his facination with eggs!! We somehow always manage to have a casualty or two in that department!

Day 5 was to buy a Christmas present for church to send to Mexico on the 19th.
Day 6 was making Christmas cards. Again, something he loved because it involved stamping and stickers. He was so funny! We had stickers of snowman with their litte stick arms and he decided that they need to have mittens on!

Day 7 was reading Christmas stories. The drawback to this activity is that once you start reading with Gavin you have to be willing to spend hours doing it! Reading for the 30 minutes before bedtime just didn't do it for him, so we picked it up again the next morning.
Day 8 was to dance around in our pyjamas. I have to admit that we did not get to this one. Gavin did not feel well and had a terrible cough so we just decided to skip a night.
Day 9 was to have an indoor picnic. We actually ended up doing that the following day at lunch (today) because he had a Christmas program at school last night. I will blog about that later. We indulged in the usual picnic food- SPAGHETTI!!

And finally day 10- breakfast for dinner. I had to be at church at 5:00 and didn't get home until after 9:30 once we finished rehearsal so that was a daddy and Gavin moment.

So- as you can see we have been trying to do lots. I am glad that we did the calendar this year with the activities. It gives us all something to look forward too and Gavin NEVER forgets that he needs to open the box with the number!


Anonymous said...

Those are the cutest pictures ever! I can just here him say "My turn!" LOL!

Small Town Girl said...

I love to come by and read your blogs and see what you & Gavin have been up to. I love all the pictures he always has a little smile on his face. Can't wait to read the next one!