Saturday, November 15, 2008

Early Visit with Santa

Today my sister Julie and I took Gavin and Dani to see Santa at the mall. I know it seems early but you have to understand that my child has been begging to see him since, um, well July I guess! He begs to see him and we will probably have to make a couple more trips to see him between now and Christmas.
He was not to excited when he sat on Santa's lap the first time and all we could see was the top of his head. But after a walk around the mall he said "I will be nice to Santa." So we went back and amazingly he did well. Julie even got a picture or 2 out of it that I will post when I get copies. I was so proud of him. He even told Santa he wanted a tiny tractor for Christmas likes papaw's.
Afterwards we went and ate at Applebee's then onto Sam's. He and Dani seemed to eat the WHOLE time! Where they were putting it I have no idea. But they were so tired and the poor babies passed out in their car seats on the way home. Ah-- success!