Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Thankful For...

It is "Thanksgiving Eve" and I am exhausted from the day! Lot's of cooking and cleaning and child entertaining! But I have so many things to be thankful for: First and foremost for a God who loves me and considers my being here important in the first place. I am thankful for a husband that would go to the ends of the earth for me if I asked him too and goes above and beyond to allow me the opportunity to stay at home with Gavin. Gavin is the light of my life and I can hardly remember a day before him! He is so smart and loving and we are truly blessed with him in our lives. I am thankful for wonderful parents who not only hepled make me who I am today but whom I look at as inspiration. They are the best parents and grandparents anyone could ever hope for! I am thankful that they are both doing better in regards to their health and that we have them to spend this holiday with. I am thankful for my siblings who love me and want to be part of my life and part of Gavin's life. I want him to grow up close to his cousins and to always have support from them.
I am thankful that we have our health, a roof over our head, and love in our hearts and for another day to give "thanks"!


Anonymous said...

That made me tear up Jennifer! We are both blessed in soo many ways! I love you!