Tuesday, March 31, 2009

The Laceration!

Ok- I am exagerating here but if you judged by the size of the band-aid you would think that a toe had fell off and we were trying to preserve it. For some reason G doesn't like small bandages anymore because he says they "burn". The only thing I can remotely imagine he is talking about is the part when the bandage comes off.

Anyhoo- he stepped on a train while coming into the kitchen (see prior post regarding train table/coffee table) and it did quite a number on his big toe. He worked it for quite sometime but once he realized that it would deter him from doing some of the things he enjoys his foot magically "doesn't hurt anymore!!" and he proceeded to show me by jumping, dancing, and falling. I guess bandages CAN cure all things!


Covered In Crafts said...

That is one huge bandage! ;)

Anonymous said...

oh, that looks painful! bandages are a sure thing...

Kelly said...

That is a big band-aid!!!! My little boy is obsessied with "owies" right now. Everything is a big deal and everything is a band-aid! I prefer fake injuries to the real ones though! Hope he heals quickly!