Tuesday, March 31, 2009

March Books

I feel like I read WAY more books this month than what I have on my list but unless I missed one, here we go:

The ADD/ADHD Checklist by Sandra Reif. Pretty self explanatory. When we were afraid that Gavin had ADHD we were instructed to get this book. It was helpful in some ways but we did find out that Gavin does not have ADHD.

The Hour I First Believed by Wally Lamb- great book and one I have wanted to read for some time. It was pretty rough in parts due to language but a great read (although long at over 700 pages). It is fiction but centers around Columbine.

Testimony by Anita Shreve- also tough at times but I enjoyed it and found it hard to put down. It depicts a college sex crime and it's affect on the town and the families involved.

You:Staying Young By Dr. Oz- this was a fast read and very informative. Very straight forward and doesn't get too scientfic.

A Dish Taken Cold by Anne Perry- this was a quick read also. Read it easily in one night. I had wanted to read something of hers so thought this was a good starting point.

Very Valentine by Adriana Trigiani. I had read Big Stone Gap by her and really liked it. I also saw her on a morning news program talking about how she had researched for the book. It is based around a family owned shoe company. I really enjoyed it and look forward to the next 2 in the serious.
I have already gotten way ahead in April and have some great books lined up. The fact that I have been sick has given me a bit more time to read. (got to hate that)!


Southern Fried Gal said...

Hey girl - I realized I don't have any other way to contact you so I came back to an older post. Let me know if you want me to send you a catalog. I'm up that way all the time for parties b/c my mom and best friend still live in Alma. It's fun to host a party and share ideas for entertaining and home decor - especially for spring. I would love to help you with that! Then you get the products for free! Let me know what you think - no pressure! My email is on my blog if you are interested. Fun stuff!