Wednesday, March 18, 2009

New Coffee Table

I have been wanting to get new furniture for quite some time but Kris and I decided that there was no way we were going to do that until we got Gavin (and any future offspring) to an age that MAYBE they would not ruin it. I guess you could say we changed our mind. We did get this new "wonderful" coffee table that really adds to our home decor. It also doubles as a toe stubber!

I will say that Gavin loves it and really that was all that I was thinking about at the time. Besides, when you already have a horse in your living room, what difference is a train table going to make?


Anonymous said...

TOE STUBBER!!!!! I am still laughing at that one! Your hilarious!

Shelley Freeman said...

Oh, Jennifer. Please don't let Grayson see that train table or we are in trouble!

Southern Fried Gal said...

Goes well with the horse - ha! This post made me think about the coupon good today and tomorrow to get a FREE Thomas engine at Toys R Us. Here's where you can get the details -!

Unknown said...

It's amazing how motherhood changing our interior design ideas, huh??